
Below are samples of the shows and content created for The Transverse media network.


Transistance is our weekly trans and LGBTQIA+ news program. I developed the show format, created the identity, and put together the look and feel of show including all scenes using video for the background sourced from Pixabay.

The Transgender Show

The Transgender Show was the seed for the entire Transverse. First airing in June of 2020, I built the show to show trans people in the world that they are not alone. I developed the show, invited the guests, created all of the graphics, and edited the video in promotion of our 100th episode.


Valkyries is where The Transverse gets irreverent. A group of friends play games together, give each other grief, and just generally have fun. I designed the graphics and format for Valkyries, and created this promo video.